Nutrición Segura para Personas con Disfagia: Guía Práctica
Nutrición Segura para Personas con Disfagia: Guía Práctica
La disfagia es una condición que afecta la capacidad de tragar alimentos y
líquidos de forma s...
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I fear the photograph of J. Parkinson cannot be authentic. The first experiments of Daguerre on photography date about 1839. J.P. died in 1824 at the age of 69. The man in the photo is no older than 40. J.P. was forty in 1795. If this photograph is not an error, we should have lots of pictures of the french revolution, Napoleon and so on. That is not. That's why I think the man in the photograph cannot be Dr. Parkinson.
Giulio Cappa, Italy
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